Terrariums, tiny gardens.

Its possible to grow something even in the smallest of spaces. Maybe a work desk, used a centre piece on a dining table or on your bedside table. I think terrariums are just about the cutest things right now!











A little update

Hello there! So we have moved house, I turned 30 and today we get a puppy!
It’s all happening and I don’t have my Internet yet so here is quick update in photos. More bigger and better posts to come soon…







Artist crush: Karin Hagen

Happy Monday to all my lovely readers! Well I can report that the move was a complete success. I must say a big huge gigantic thank you to our friends who helped us, we couldn’t have done it without you. Expect house pics to be posted up in the coming weeks!

I came across Karin Hagen when I saw an image of one of her ceramics, a wonderfully formed wonky little cup adorned with hand painted leopards. Her animal illustrations are full of character and charm.

Karin’s blog shows you the evolution of her creative practice from sketchbook doodles to the end results in earthenware, portraits and other medium.









A minor change

Tomorrow we are moving house, just down the street though so really not far. Packing up everything still feels like a mountain and Im tired and stressed and just want it to be over.

The plus side is that we will be restyling our interior together in the mid century style and I love a project. I have been eagerly scanning the net for images of inspiration and this is what I found.





All aboard the design bus!

Eriks Designbuss is a fantastic mobile studio and office. Based in Sweden and always hitting the road this fantastic vehicle is a great example of innovation and the idea that great art and design can be brought out into the community. Kind of like a mobile library or bank, bringing his design business to different communities, sometimes remote and heck it just looks like a lot of fun!

“I want to explore my role as a designer and be my own producer, in the same time challenge the norms in the business” says Erik Olovsson.

Maybe the local pizzeria needs help with new menus? The dentist a new business card? The local gallery a better logo, the farmer a new sign on the barn? The journey started on March 12 in Stockholm and is ongoing. The bus has visited several places in Sweden and Erik has completed around 20 commissions for people that he has got in contact with along the way.

12 hour guides.

What a fantastic idea, a 12 hour travel guide. Having kids means I don’t normally get anymore than the odd weekend away maybe once or twice a year (if I’m really lucky). So when I do travel I love to pack my trip with cultural, foodie and design highlights, sitting on beach is most definitely  not who I am.


We love to travel. We also love design, and music, and fashion. And we were missing a website full of travel tips for people like us. Somewhere between the backpackers and the luxury hotels. With tips that aren’t about money, but about great discoveries from all around the world. So we built 12hrs.

   To keep it simple, we organized them in itineraries. 12 hours per trip. Sweet and short. With the best to see, do, eat, dance we could fit in one short stay. We ignored a lot of the usual recommendations, because we trust you that you will find the obvious tourist highlights yourself. You can follow our schedule, or you can just pick a few selected tips and ignore the rest. We won’t judge you. Let’s go on a trip together!

Check out 12hrs for their beautiful guides.

Apple and Cinnamon bun recipe.

The gentle art of perfecting my cinnamon bun recipe has become a bit of an obsession in our house. I think I’m almost there with the addition of apple chunks it’s gotten serious and I feel I have upped my game. Josh also obliged by taking some lovely photos of the result and then of course he got to eat them.


To make 12 buns you will need:

  • 500g of bread flour
  • 1tbsp of instant dried yeast
  • 1 medium egg
  • 1tsp vanilla extract
  • 1tsp of salt
  • 2tbsp of sugar (extra sugar for filling)
  • 4tbsp unsalted butter
  • 1 cup of milk
  • powdered cinnamon
  • 2 sweet apples peeled and chopped in small chunks.
  • icing sugar to dust

Dough (I used a bread maker if your making dough by hand follow a basic bread dough recipe)

  • Combine the yeast, flour, egg, salt, sugar, 2tbsp butter, vanilla extract, 2tsp of cinnamon and milk in the dough pan.
  • Set for a standard bread dough setting around 2hr 40min.

The rest…

  • Roll out dough into a rectangle about 1.5cm thick.
  • Spread butter over the surface like your buttering a slice of bread.
  • Sprinkle a mixture of sugar and cinnamon over the buttered dough evenly.
  • Dot the dough with the small chunks of apple and add an extra sprinkling of sugar.
  • Roll the dough up like a magic carpet.
  • Slice your magic carpet up into 12 equal rounds.
  • Butter or line a baking tray and place the rounds on it, bake for 20mins or until slightly golden at 200c.
  • Remove from oven, cool and sprinkle with icing sugar.

These buns are not overly sweet but if you like a more decadent bun make a gooey frosting from cream cheese, icing sugar and vanilla extract to smear on the top of the buns, it amazing!



7 things I like.

Frankie Magazine

I just had the latest edition delivered to my door and its wonderful.

What more could I want in a magazine than art, design, thoughtful writing and beautiful photography?

Tom Gauld

From weekly cartoonist for the Guardian with ‘Where’s my jetpack’ to wonderful illustration and wit.

Miscellaneous Adventures

Beautifully handcrafted wooden items.

Born from a fascination with the natural world, adventures in mountains and forests and objects with magical properties, Miscellaneous Adventures is a new craft project by illustrator and maker Andrew Groves.



Digitally printed plushies, posters and home ware are all in the Plingsulli Store.

Enjoy the naive and colourful work.

Bubble Dogs

The coupling of gourmet hot dogs and champagne sounds like a match made in heaven to me.

It can only be a short amount of time before we have a gourmet hot dog joint in my city (please).


Shannon and the Clams

Basically my new favourite band with a kick ass female lead and a surf punk rock vibe

to accompany the best summer ever!


88 Forever

A beautiful blog filled to the brim with recipes, photography, art and life.